Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Blergh! British Airways is terrible, if you ever have the choice between BA and Qantas, try and get Qantas! Anyway flight aside, we landed in Singapore at about 5.30pm and it had just finished raining and it was 33 degrees. Nice. We decided to catch a shuttle bus from the airport (figuring it would be easier if we were dropped at the hotel door) rather than catch the train. I think the train would have been quicker. It took about an hour of sitting in a rather cramped van with 6 other souls, one of them seemed to have a serious lung infection as he would not (or could not) stop hacking up phlegm, lungs, spleen for the entire trip (no sign of a hanky either!!).

Ahh air conditioned bliss! The hotel is situated right next door to the (famous?) Raffles Hotel and as it happens right on a train station. Once sufficiently cooled, we set out to explore the surrounding district, find a bite to eat and plan our remaining days in Singapore.

Being tourists, we decided to stick to the tourist traps: China town, Buffalo Road (Little India), Orchard Rd etc. Tammie and I really have to get out more - being the seasoned travellers that we are you would expect that we would jump at the chance to experience cultures, foods etc. But upon finding a particular food court in Chinatown, we decided that the experience would be just a little too authentic (plus we could not read any of the menus and there were no pictures).


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