Glasgow, Scotland
Days 46-47

Finally back on UK soil - just, I thought for a minute that Immigration wasn't going to let us back in, but then again who could turn away such a pretty face as mine :p First stop was Rowallan Castle. For those who don't know (and I am guessing that is most of you) this is the Muir (or Mure) family castle - the Mures of Rowallan. Apparently there is some relation to royalty there, via Robert of Bruce. Anyway it just happened to be on the way from Prestwick Airport to Glasgow. Good excuse for a side trip. As a result Tammie had to follow me around as I rediscovered my Scottish roots and purchased anything emblazoned with the Muir family name, crest or tartan. Oh we also did some sightseeing! Glasgow University is very impressive! And you have to love a Scottish accent. Its so chumpy you can carve it!

This is the entrance to the castle - unfortunately it is apparently privately owned so I can only really show you the gatehouse.

What the hell! Its Sydney in Glasgow!! Someone should sue.

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