Wednesday, February 04, 2004


Our long awaited Business Class flight finally arrived, and to say that we were overwhelmed would be an understatement! Twice the amount of entertainment, heaps better food, L'occitane goodie bags... and talk about leg room! Definitely worth the 40,000 frequent flyer points (and numerous phone calls to Qantas :p)

Eleven hours later, we arrived at LAX, ready to live the 4th of Feb all over again! We thought we were wide awake so spent the morning wandering around downtown LA, only to discover that we were REALLY REALLY tired about 2 hours later. Back to the hotel for a quick nap.

Downtown LA turned out different to what I expected. Basically the city centre is a purely business centre, and people only go there to work. So after dark, we were left with a ghost city. As we soon found out, you have to travel out of the city to do the fun stuff...


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