Prague - Part 3

After rushing to Gatwick Airport after work on Friday, I pushed my way through the long-weekend crowd to check in just as my flight was being called. Raced through security, and then found out that my flight was delayed. And delayed. And delayed. And then I had to line up for half an hour to get Maccas for dinner. On the upside though, I got to do some duty free shopping and ended up with some new makeup and a new pair of shoes :)
It was a sweltering weekend in Prague, with temperatures reportedly as high as 38 degrees(C)! Saturday and Sunday were hot and sunny, but in the space of about half an hour on Monday afternoon, it turned into hail and torrential rain! After the rain, we just about had to wade through ankle-deep water to get across the main street on Wencelas Square, which was still covered in hailstones that looked more like snow.
Since it was my second visit to Prague, Shane and I had the luxury of sleeping in and having a lazy breakfast before wandering out to town to meet the others for lunch each day. This time we were lucky enough to have our own personal tour guides Gabriel and Katarina. They showed us around some of the less-touristy areas of Prague, where we indulged in dirt cheap beer and meals, and found ourselves at a really cool beer garden in the middle of a park just outside of the city. It's always good to see a city from a local's point of view, and we think Gabriel should write a guidebook!
Once again a wonderful weekend was had, and I can't wait to visit again.