Prague - Part 2

On the spur of the moment I decided to go to Prague and spend the weekend with Shane! We were going to meet up in a random European city, but in the end we decided that it would be best to explore Shane's new home away from home first. And I'm glad we did.
Armed with a map and phrasebook, we explored the old and new town squares. Prague really does live up to its reputation for being a beautiful city. Despite being warned off the touristy areas by several locals, we decided that the buildings must be seen and photographed. The old town square was absolutely packed, as it turned out that the Prague marathon was on this weekend. Towering over the old town square is a church that kinda looks like the Disneyland castle. At night it is absolutely stunning when flooded with lights.

We crossed the river and walked towards the Prague Castle. Having done almost zero reading up on Prague, we didn't realise just how far the castle was, and after walking uphill for what seemed like ages in 30 degree heat, we later found out that there's a tram that takes you up the hill and behind the castle!! The castle is a huge complex of buildings, with a grand cathedral that rises above the rest of the buildings. From the inside of the cathedral you can see some of the most amazing stained glass windows.
Over the weekend we ate ourselves silly, sampling some traditional czech dishes and beers. Beef goulash seems to be one of the more popular dishes, and you can see why once you've tried it! Goulash is usually served with "dumplings", which are like slices of steamed bread. Speaking of bread, people in Prague seem to eat loads and loads of bread. We were at a supermarket and noticed that everyone was walking around with dozens of bread rolls. Shane was sure that everyone was looking at him with puzzled looks because he had only picked up a single bread roll, whilst everyone else was carrying at least 10 rolls!

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