Toronto was our first introduction to really really cold temperatures. And we thought it had been cold in New York!
Didn't really do much here, except visit the CN tower, walk around Chinatown, and walk around the city centre. The observation deck at the CN tower has a cool glass section of the floor, which feels kinda weird to walk on, even though they assure you it is perfectly safe!
From the CN tower we spotted an outdoor ice skating pond. That became the mission of the night - to find out where it is and to get there! By the time we found the pond, it was dark, and temperatures were probably subzero, but it was worth it. The pond was huge and even had some slightly uneven hilly bits in it. And what's more - it's free. You just bring your skates and hop on.
Later on we found a place to have dinner and washed it down with some giant glasses of beer...

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